404 Surabhi Plaza, Opp. Lotus Hospitals, Lakdikapul, Hyderabad
  • icon Mon - Sat 9.00 - 19.00. Sunday CLOSED
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  • icon Mon - Sat 9.00 - 19.00. Sunday CLOSED

Our vision is to make quality education accessable, affordable & achievable. Given, these qualities are rare in medical education, we devout ourselves to fill this huge gap whilst we make a positive social impact.
Our establishment has always been driven by a sense of purpose, and we are very proud and celebrative about it. Our vision aligned with the purpose makes us stand and face the challenges on the ground.
We strongly believe that individuals and communities should strive to make a positive contribution to societies by addressing the challenges and providing solutions to it. Education and skills being vital to human growth, we are devoted to make a difference in this area. With this purpose we were established in 2008 in United Kingdom to facilitate overseas education for Indian students. We are progressing further every day and our Medical Education Consulting is one more step in this direction.

Education is Right and not a Luxury
Scarcity of options and vast number of aspirants have made Medical education a luxury and winners are people with huge capacities. An average person have to struggle beyond his abilities to get an admission into medicine. We envisage to stop this cycle of mass dissatisfaction by providing alternative avenues for medical students. These alternatives will be high standard, safe, affordable & achievable.

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